Equality and Cohesion Policy and Procedure

Equality and Diversity Statement

Wyke Estate TMO wholeheartedly supports the principle of equality and diversity in all areas of its service delivery, employment, partnerships and as a purchaser of goods and services.

The organisation acknowledges and respects the fundamental human right of every person not to be decimated against on the grounds of a perceived difference (also known as protected characteristics) such as age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership, pregnancy or maternity, race religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

Direct and / or indirect discrimination, harassment or victimisation will not be tolerated within the workplace, or in the way services are delivered or functions and duties carried out.

The TMO is committed to:

  • Eliminating unlawful discrimination, harassment or victimisation
  • Promoting equality of opportunity
  • Promoting community cohesion
Equality and Cohesion Policy and Procedure